Digital Assets Management

Digital Asset Management

Wallet as a Service enables businesses and programmers to make use of Blockchain technology without the need to take care of hassling tasks like setting up a node for Blockchain or to design solutions to store private keys or manage privacy for its users.

Periscope proposed to build a new blockchain wallet product using an open source walletkit as a basis for development. Periscope provided a “Turn-Key” wallet solution which included everything from planning, designing, development, testing, beta rollout, deployment, hosting, scaling, and support.




Digital Asset Management


IT Consulting



Digital Asset Management


IT Consulting


The client has been in business since 2015. Has over 3000+ crypto ATMs in 48 states with over 300K customers in United States and offers various crypto services either online or through their ATMs. Wallet service was missing from their product offerings. The client wanted to launch a wallet that is tightly integrated with their Crypto ATM ecosystem using which users can manage their digital assets.


Periscope developed a mobile wallet application for iOS and Android that was tightly integrated with the client's existing crypto ATM ecosystem. Periscope ensured an intuitive wallet app with client's branding and UI UX designs.

The solution was focused on leveraging WaaS offering from BRD and utilized the “Blockset: Infrastructure for Digital Asset” which resulted in faster time to market. The key business driver for this project was to accelerate client's market adoption by expanding their product suite.

The project was carried out in multiple phases which included:

The project phases

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The solution provided by Periscope enabled the client to offer their own enterprise-grade digital wallet solution to their customers to easily receive, hold, and send digital assets without setting up a complex backend system required for any blockchain solution.

The backend system handled all cryptographic functions and blockchain communications, while the prebuilt Android and iOS libraries helped in rapid platform-specific development thus enabling clients to focus only on the business, not the complex backend infrastructure.

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Financial Services

We partner with leaders in banking, insurance, and capital markets to develop and launch new operating models as they strive for growth.


We are engaged with various projects using new technologies to provide an integrated and seamless user experience to our customers.


We provide innovative development of various products and solutions for faster go-to-market strategy and reliable execution.

Law Enforcement

Our team has helped build innovative solutions to integrate and manage Body Camera Video feeds from officers to the command center using secure cloud solutions.


We have been engaged with the airline industry for over ten years and have been involved with projects like Revenue Management, Loyalty Programs, and more.