Virtualization Management

We deliver robust virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) deployments leveraging Microsoft solutions like Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 Cloud PC. This includes:

With deep Microsoft VDI expertise plus robust multi-platform virtualization management capabilities, we keep critical services running efficiently and securely via purpose-built tooling and proven methodologies.

Cybersecurity Monitoring and Management

Leveraging cutting edge SIEM, endpoint protection, and vulnerability scanning tools, our cybersecurity monitoring services provide 24/7 visibility and expert human oversight to detect and remediate threats across increasingly dispersed digital footprints.
This includes:

Identity and Access Management

Our identity and access management (IAM) services help organizations govern digital identities – both for employees and third parties – and control access to resources.
This is achieved through:

With embedded IAM expertise and leading technologies, we help optimize security posture while enabling workforce mobility and third party ecosystems.

Penetration Testing + Vulnerability Assessment

Utilizing advanced ethical hacking techniques and custom-developed tools, our scheduled external and internal pen tests identify vulnerabilities and gaps proactively before they are discovered by bad actors. Testing is tailored to environment and risk profile with issues clearly validated and prioritized based on exploitability. Additionally, our continuous vulnerability assessment services provide an added layer of constant automated scanning to detect misconfigurations or new exposures arising in dynamic environments between more intensive manual tests. Prioritized findings are fed into our centralized dashboard and remediation workflows. With combined pen testing and vulnerability assessment, organizations benefit from both periodic in-depth audits plus continual scanning for risks. This allows dealing with validation backlogs efficiently while keeping pace with change.

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Periscope can do for you.